U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Concrete Imaging, Baton Rouge, LA

Background: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers discovered some surface concrete issues with a levy and wanted to investigate the structural integrity within the concrete. They were concerned that some voiding may exist or potential rebar deterioration that could be causing the issues they were seeing on the surface.

GPR Data’s Solution: Over the course of a day GPR Data was able to scan the entire levy. While scanning multiple control points were captured so the data could be referenced and eventually laid over existing plans. We did not observe rebar deterioration but did identify many areas with voiding. Coring confirmed our findings and engineers determined the cause of the voiding to be poorly consolidated concrete. Our voiding map was used to determine areas that needed repair. After repairs were completed, we rescanned the area to confirm the effectiveness of the repairs.

Learn more about GPR Concrete Imaging



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September 9, 2020

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